Recently, I read an article on J2EE and Flex3
I was intrigued.
I set out to research more on Flex3 and how it fits in the RIA space - and now I’m addicted to Flex3.
I tried Flex3 with the BlazeDS and got even more interested. Soon I found myself coding a file upload client which allowed the users to select multiple files from local directory and do a Http POST to a java webapplication. A java servlet at the server end processed the file successful. Sure, there were some learning curve but it was worth my time. I had great fun.
I intend to to package the client solution so I can share it in my blog later.
I’m also trying to integrate with an existing Struts webapp. Also, Adobe and SpringSource (Spring Framework guys) are working to integrate BlazeDS with Spring Framework which lights up so many possibilities in my mind for a RIA based on Java/J2EE/Spring and Flex3. Did I mention SpringSource also released a free Spring IDE?
With Flex3, seems like we have another option, an attractive one at that, for building any RIA front end to J2EE apps.
I’m intrigued…..